Welcome to the garden.

My name is Fern. I am a simple potted plant who has been gifted/cursed with the godly power of sentience. What I choose to do with this power is none of your concern and out of your control.

I'm flattered that you want to know more about me.General InfoMy name is Fern, I'm agender and ace, but no one's really sure on the romance front. I'm a writer, musician, and professional doodler. I have ADHD (and autism as it turns out) and tend to hop from fixation to fixation. The hot topics as of right now are Generation Loss, Welcome Home, and my own embarrassing little stories.
How to refer to me
Any and all pronouns are acceptable. Percieve me however you want, I don't really care. Specifics can be found at my pronouns page. Thank you.

Q: What happened to Fern?
A: I'm alright, just decided to focus on my personal life. Call it what you will, a hiatus, a 2-week notice, but just know that I'm probably not going to be releasing anything else anytime soon. Any posthumous support to Fernbush Music is welcome.

  • Q: Where did the name "Fernbush" come from?

  • A: When I first downloaded Discord, I called all my school friends "frens". Somebody's phone autocorrected this to "fern" when they tried to do it to me. I made a stupid MS Paint meme about it, and the rest is history.

  • Q: Do you prefer to go by Fern or another name?

  • A: I have a name outside of my internet persona, but so do a lot of people. If you know me personally, you can call me either. If you're a stranger on the internet telling someone else about me (thanks for the hypothetical promo), please just call me Fern.

Q: What are your triggers?
A: Why would I tell you this?

  • Q: Are you ever going to do commissions?

  • A: Some day, but not today.

  • Q: I DMed you, why haven't you responded?

  • A: I'm not really as active on Discord as I used to be, but I assure you, I will get to you eventually. If it's urgent, an email is the best way to get a response.

  • Q: How can I use your songs?

  • A: You can use any of my songs as intro/outro music, edits, or anything personal. Please do not use my songs in any commercial setting (advertisement, monetized video, etc.). If there's anything you're unsure about, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]!

  • Q: Fern lore?????

  • A: If you look hard enough, maybe.


  • you believe transphobia, homophobia, racism, and/or sexism is a "natural reaction" or an "instinct".

  • you're a TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist).

  • you mainly produce content that's NSFW.

  • you support the creation or consumption of pedophilic/incestual ships because "it's just fiction".

I am uncomfortable with discussions of suicide or self harm. I would appreciate it if you didn't mention either in front of me, even via jokes.(Statements like "I'm going to kill myself" or "I'm going to jump off a bridge" make me extremely uncomfortable, even though they could be interpreted as jokes. I'm aware some people use this as a coping mechanism, but it's not exactly a healthy one.)Please ask before discussing any topics you're unsure of.

For as long as I've known music exists, I've wanted to make people listen to songs I've written. That's why whenever I have friends over I feel obligated to play them A Little Ditty [TM] on my piano. Recently I've had a relevation. If I can get my music public, even more people can listen to my songs. It's the perfect crime. Especially since it's not illegal. (I'm pretty sure it's not, anyway??)
Upcoming titles...

  • "i hate goodbyes" - on hiatus


Discord - @talkingfern (previously talking fern#2054)
YouTube - "fern bush" (feel free to click the YouTube button at the home screen!)
E-mail - [email protected]